Msonge Organic Family Farm

We offer a wide range of products that are fresh, organic and picked when they are ripe and have the highest nutritional value

  • Naturally raised cows and chicken.
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Coconut Milk and Peanut butter

Msonge Farm is a 15ha, multi-enterprise farm, growing food for our own household use, sale to our local community through Pakacha Delivery Baskets, delivery to tourist hotels, and allowing room for events such as our weekly farm-to- table to spread the success of organic farming.

Several decades of organic by default production systems have positively impacted on the Msonge Farm ecosystem. Applying officially organic principles since 2000 and transforming the farm to a commercial permaculture farm since 2015 into a more diverse, vibrant ecological system. This is guided by our tradition and vision.

The land is a mix of stony and sandy loamy soil of a relatively flat land. It has a Tropical island climate with temperatures averaging from a min of 21°C to a max of 32°C and humidity of up 80%. The best time to visit our farm is from June to October during the cool, dry months of spring. Another popular time to visit is from December to February when it's hot and dry. Historic rainfall is 600mm with climate change it now has an unpredictable pattern.


We utilize our seasonal productivity as a marketing bonus. It provides a real story for our customers as they ask for the name and how to prepare or eat any new additions in their Pakacha (Basket delivery).

The discussion in the whatsapp group became very lively and knowledge sharing from different cultures. " It is called mango grape vine, a local indigenous fruit tree. Kids love the yellow fruits. "Aah those are cinnamon leaves, you can use them as bay leaves or as tea or in porridge". "New day, new food! What is this? "It is a golden apple that can be eaten with chillies and salt". This is an important educational tool to engage town folk with the realities of farm life. It demonstrates our commitment to question the value of outside inputs of materials and energy to force the ecosystem to continually produce. It allows the farm to take a breath, and the farm workers, to enjoy the seasonality of life.