• Welcome to

    The Cooking

  • With renowned chefs

    Nachum Makame &
    Dr. Mwatima Juma

  • only at

    USD 20$
    Tshs. 20,000/-

  • Earth
  • Meeting
  • Smart

What We Offer?

Cooking Classes

At 20$ or Tshs. 20,000/- we give you an exclusive education on how to prepare an African dish from organically grown products. You will be taught with hands on experience advanced by harvesting from the farm some of the vegetables and finally you get to taste what you have learned at a lunch table with the food that you have prepared.

What We Do?

Pakacha Delivery. We deliver products made and grown on the farm which includes chicken, eggs, coconut milk, peanut butter, Yoghurt, and so much more.

Farm-To-Table. An event where food and products made and grown on the farm is served. It happens on every Sunday at the farm

Farm Tour. Here you visit the farm, pick one or two things and head on to the kitchen where you will be taught how to properly cook with hands on experience

Who We Are?

It all started in 1957 when Mr. Abdallah Juma bought the farm together with his brothers. The Farm started with coconut trees and an orchard of orange and lime trees with the addition of livestock later on mainly chicken. Since the very beginning it was intended to be an Organic farm.

Msonge was inspired to turn a farm into an AgroEco-tourisim place because of its diverse nature and the variety of native trees. In November 2015 it established the Practical Permaculture training institution and that lead to expansion of the idea not only to the main farm, but also to its extension in Kidichi area.

Contact Us

Whatsapp: +255 754 536 630